Todd Person

CrownLine CEO and Founder of The CROWNLINE Method


The CROWNLINE Method — created by Todd Anthony Person over a 25-year-period – is a highly disciplined approach to illuminating human relationship chemistry — fusing math (algorithms and numerology), neuroscience, psychology and astrology. Essentially, the CROWNLINE Method enables us to understand how birthdates of individuals matter not only in terms of the kind of person each of us has the propensity to be throughout our lives, but what kinds of other people we are likely to connect with or, conversely, which people with whom we are likely to experience discord.

CROWNLINE Method can help you leverage your knowledge of your own birthday and the birthdays of other individuals to optimize your human chemistry relationships. These relationships span a wide spectrum — be it your work life, making and enhancing connections with acquaintances for friendship, better understanding professionals who provide services, and, last but not least, identifying potential soulmates.

About Our Founder

Todd Anthony Person is the founder and CEO of CrownLine. Todd has spent over two decades studying and building the foundation that would become the CROWNLINE Method. Armed with a photographic memory and a capability to easily grasp complex mathematics, Todd observed how birthdates, cards and personal relationships intertwine.

The breakup of a love relationship was the catalyst for Todd discovering a book on birthdays and the cards. Not believing in Tarot cards and thinking that there was no way that something relating to playing cards could be remotely accurate, Todd was surprised by the accuracy of the book called “The Mystic Quadrate System” by Thomas Morrell. Over time, Todd made improvements and finally developed a new system that incorporated his own theories and algorithms.

Through this new system, which Todd named “The CROWNLINE Method”, Todd was able to recognize how birthdates correlated to certain numbers and suits on the cards – and he identified relationship patterns in which certain cards could match well or be divisive with other cards. Furthermore, Todd was able to identify patterns of birthdates and certain outcomes according to certain periods of time – daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and even into 7 and 13 year cycles. These assessments of cycles can inform individuals’ decisions before strategically scheduling actions supporting desired outcomes.


Nothing is as random as you think and the coincidences we find are quite often the truth we seek. The CROWNLINE Method presents a way to solve the mysteries of your life by interpreting universal patterns that exist in a deck of cards and determined by the day you were born.